function advanced_ads_sticky_check_position_fixed() { var container = document.body; if (document.createElement && container && container.appendChild && container.removeChild) { var el = document.createElement( 'div' ); if ( ! el.getBoundingClientRect) { return null; } el.innerHTML = 'x'; = 'position:fixed;top:100px;'; container.appendChild( el ); var originalHeight =, originalScrollTop = container.scrollTop; // In IE<=7, the window's upper-left is at 2,2 (pixels) with respect to the true client. // surprisely, in IE8, the window's upper-left is at -2, -2 (pixels), but other elements // tested is just right, so we need adjust this. //!topic/comp.lang.javascript/zWJaFM5gMIQ // var extraTop = parseInt( document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().top, 10 ); extraTop = extraTop > 0 ? extraTop : 0; = '3000px'; container.scrollTop = 500; var elementTop = parseInt( el.getBoundingClientRect().top, 10 ); = originalHeight; var isSupported = (elementTop - extraTop) === 100; container.removeChild( el ); container.scrollTop = originalScrollTop; return isSupported; } return null; }; // decode sticky ads right after consent is given. document.addEventListener('advanced_ads_privacy', function (event) { if (event.detail.state !== 'accepted' && event.detail.state !== 'not_needed') { return; } window.advanced_ads_sticky_settings.placements.forEach(function (value) { document.querySelectorAll('script[type="text/plain"][data-tcf="waiting-for-consent"][data-placement="' + value + '"]').forEach(advads.privacy.decode_ad); }); }); jQuery( document ).ready(function($) { var resize_timeout = null, $el, previous_width = $( window ).width(); // Update position when viewport size changes. function resize_handler() { if ( resize_timeout ) clearTimeout( resize_timeout ); resize_timeout = setTimeout( function() { var new_width = $( window ).width(); if ( previous_width === new_width ) { // Return if the viewport has not actually changed // Scroll event triggered this due to the position of the address bar. return; } previous_width = new_width; if ( typeof advanced_ads_sticky_items !== 'undefined' ) { $.each( advanced_ads_sticky_items, function( wrapper_id, data ) { $el = $( '#' + wrapper_id ); // Apply initial 'position: absolute' styles if 'position: absolute' was transformed to 'position: fixed' // using the 'advads.fix_element' function. $el.prop( 'style', data.initial_css ); // Fix to windows position and/or center vertically again. data.modifying_func(); } ); } }, 1000 ); } if ( 'undefined' === typeof advanced_ads_responsive || ! parseInt( advanced_ads_responsive.reload_on_resize, 10 ) ) { // If the "Reload ads on resize" feature of the Responsive add-on is not used. jQuery( window ).on( 'resize', resize_handler ); } //Remove 'position: fixed' if not supported, if the feature enabled in the settings. if ( typeof advanced_ads_sticky_settings === 'undefined' || ! advanced_ads_sticky_settings.check_position_fixed ) { return; } // story scroll enable value so it isn’t checked multiple times per page view var advanced_ads_sticky_position_fixed_supported = ''; var allowed_offset = $( document.body ).is( '.admin-bar' ) ? $( '#wpadminbar' ).height() : 0; /** * Remove all position related inline styles. * * @param {object=} $stickyads Optional jQuery object. */ function remove_css( $stickyads ) { // if position fixed is unsupported if ( advanced_ads_sticky_position_fixed_supported === false ) { $( window ).off( 'resize', resize_handler ); $stickyads = $stickyads || jQuery( '.' + advanced_ads_sticky_settings.sticky_class ); setTimeout( function() { $stickyads.each( function( key, value ) { var $stickyad = $( value ); if ( window.advanced_ads_sticky_items[ $stickyad.attr( 'id' ) ].can_convert_to_abs ) { $stickyad.css( 'position', 'absolute' ); } else { $stickyad.css( 'position', '' ).css( 'top', '' ).css( 'right', '' ).css( 'bottom', '' ).css( 'left', '' ).css( 'margin-left', '' ) .css( 'transform', 'none' ).css( '-webkit-transform', 'none' ).css( '-moz-transform', 'none' ).css( '-ms-transform', 'none' ); } }); } ); } } function scroll_handler() { clearTimeout( $.data( this, 'scrollTimer' ) ); // wait 100ms when scrolling before checking $.data(this, 'scrollTimer', setTimeout(function() { // don’t do anything if scroll position is 0 == top // or admin bar has not been scrolled. if($( document ).scrollTop() <= allowed_offset ) { return; } // check if position fixed is supported; story result in a variable so test runs only once if(advanced_ads_sticky_position_fixed_supported == ''){ advanced_ads_sticky_position_fixed_supported = advanced_ads_sticky_check_position_fixed(); clearTimeout( $.data( this, 'scrollTimer' ) ); $( window ).off( 'scroll', scroll_handler ); } // rewrite sticky ads remove_css(); }, 100)); } if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( 'Opera Mini' ) > -1 ) { //Opera mini does not support 'scroll' event. advanced_ads_sticky_position_fixed_supported = false; remove_css(); } else { $( window ).scroll( scroll_handler ); } // When cache-busting inserts new item. if ( typeof advanced_ads_pro === 'object' && advanced_ads_pro !== null ) { advanced_ads_pro.postscribeObservers.add( function (event) { if ( event.event === 'postscribe_done' && event.ref && ) { var $stickyad = jQuery( event.ref ).children( '.' + advanced_ads_sticky_settings.sticky_class ); if ( $stickyad.length ) { remove_css( $stickyad ); } } } ); } });